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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Almost Done!!

I am getting a little excited. I am almost finished developing the Closer Walk Fitness Challenge. This will be a 28 day kick start program for Faith and Fitness. Daily Bible readings, daily motivation, daily recipes, tracker, journal entries, & fitness plan for ALL levels. My goal is to help everyone develop healthy habits. By completing this program you can develop those habits. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts and ideas. Also, I ask for your prayers that this program could help just 1 person.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My New Favorite Post Workout Drink!!!

In my search to satisfy my post-workout needs. I have concocted what I has easily become my favorite drink. I call it Coconut Dream Protein Blast! Catchy right!?!? Let me tell you, it is light, refreshing, and loaded with great stuff. Best of all, it is super easy to make.

Here are some great points to know about this drink:
- Coconut Milk. Holy crap this is great stuff to substitute for milk. 1 cup of fat free skim milk = 86 calories. 1 cup of coconut milk = 45 calories. But wait, there’s more. Coconut milk is loaded with Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA’s.) This is a healthy fat that makes your thyroid produce a fat burning hormone. It boost you metabolism by 56% for up to 5 hours. Even cooler, it reduces blood sugar surges by 58%.
- Calories = 232
- Fat = 5g
- Protein = 26g
- Potassium = 640mg
- Calcium = 103% daily

Here is the recipe. I hope you enjoy as much as I do.

Coconut Dream Protein Blast
3/4 cup Unsweetened Coconut Drink (I use So-Delicious Brand)
1/4 cup Pineapple Juice (I use Libby's 100% Natural No Sugar Added)
1/2 Banana Frozen
1 serving Vanilla Protein Powder (I use Trader Joe's Soy Protein as it is a a lower carb option)
Optional: Ice to bring to desired consistency

Place all ingredients in blender, blend thoroughly, pour, ENJOY!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

FREE! Now and Forever.

After much thought, I have come to the conclusion that I should just give me book away for FREE all the time. So that is exactly what I am doing. I hope you enjoy as it is on update #2. You should be able to access with the gadget on the right hand side, or with the link below.

As an update, I am now down 55 lbs, and feel amazing.

Good Luck and Good Health.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

You Don't Have To Starve!

I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard this, "I couldn't do that, I would starve to death." I'm not sure why everyone associates eating right with eating less. Nothing could be further from the truth. Since I started my journey, I have lost 53 lbs. To date, I have NEVER gone hungry. As a matter of fact, my volume of food has gone up. 

But wait there's more! The food I am enjoying now is packed with much more flavor than the "bad" food I was eating before. My wife has done an amazing job preparing dinners that are absolutely delicious and fantastic for us. My choices for lunch have improved vastly, and I don't spend a fortune going out to eat every day. 

My point to all of this, is to let people know. Eating right, DOES NOT mean eating less. You can do this, and you will be full as you want to be.

Here are some simple rules you will need to follow:
1. Set a daily goal. - I use MyFitnessPal app.
2. Know what you are eating. - You have to read some labels. There is a wide difference between brands of food. 
3. Track what you eat. - Don't guess, you will be wrong.
4. Splurge on occasion. - No more than once a week, I eat a little something that may not be so good for me.
5. Remember it is all about making good choices, and there are plenty of good ones to choose from.

For more info, recipes, meal plans, and more Check Out My Book

If you have questions, just send me a message. I will be glad to help anyway I can. 

Good Luck and Good Health!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

FREE Gym Equipment!

It has been sometime since my last post (I am sure everyone has been anxiously waiting!) I have been working to put together a home gym that not only challenged me, but offered something a little different. I found everything I needed with tires! That's right, tires. Not only that, but thus far I have spent $0.00 making this a fantastic investment with immeasurable return on investment!

Yesterday was my first full workout with my "new" equipment, and it was a heart pounding, sweat inducing, muscle building, fantastic time. I thought I would share this workout and exactly what equipment I have utilized. I hope you enjoy, and get out there and workout.


Big Tire: 17.5-25 Firestone weighing in around 200 lbs
Mid Size Tire: 11R24.5 weighing in around 140 lbs
Small Tire: 235/75R15 weighing in around 35 lbs
Sledgehammer: 10 lbs (I already owned this)
3/4" MDF about 18 x 48 (just some scrap wood I had laying around)

The Workout:
In total I ran 3.5 miles (in 10 rounds of .35 miles each this happened to be the distance around my block). All exercises were performed to max reps (just keep going til you can't go no more.)

1. Run .35 miles
2. Big Tire Flips - use your legs, not your back.

3. Run .35 miles
4. Sledgehammer - right hand and left hand

5. Run .35 miles
6. Tire Jumps

7. Run .35 miles
8. Tire Cross Push Ups - start on one side move across tire

9. Run .35 miles
10. Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press - do a curl then press overhead

11. Run .35 miles
12. Tire Slams - lift overhead slam it on the ground

13. Run .35 miles
14. Tire Sit Ups

15. Run .35 miles
16. Tricep Extensions

17. Run .35 miles
18. Repeat Sledgehammer
19. Run .35 miles
20. Repeat Big Tire Flips

21. Enjoy your FREE Gym\

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Daily Motivation #3

Last night I struggled with my run. I am quite certain I tried to do too much, too quickly. It was a reminder to me that this isn't a sprint. It is a marathon. I have been blessed with great results thus far, but I am not there yet. I am going to push on, and I WILL reach my goal. I hope you will join me in changing our lives to be more healthy. Get out there and move.

Good Luck and Good Health!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Daily Motivation #2....and more!

Below is another installment for my daily motivation. This was a good one for me. I sometimes struggle with not being to the point I would like to be.... 6 pack abs, chiseled chest, 5 min mile.. However, today I am close to those goals than I was when I started. I constantly remind myself this is a marathon not a sprint. I am already in probably the best condition of my life, all 48 years of it. I feel amazing everyday! Most importantly, I do see progress. I refuse to go back to how I used to be. I hope this pic will motivate you to keep going. As long as you are moving forward, you are making progress.

Also, don't forget, I am humbly asking for donation to support Teen Challenge for the Walk With Hope 5K. If you can give, that's great. If you can't, I understand, and maybe you could say a prayer for their organization. To donate, just click on the link on the right side of my blog.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Daily Motivation #1

This is my first post of a series of motivational items. My hope is that it will help motivate you to get moving toward those fitness goals. Enjoy!

Good Luck and Good Health.!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Walk With Hope

I am very excited to announce my participation in Walk With Hope 5K on July 19th here in Chattanooga. This is an event to support Teen Challenge of the Mid South. They provide a 12 month program for those suffering from addiction. Their results are amazing, and the lives they touch are changed forever.

I am humbly asking for donations to help support this great organization. Any amount you are lead to give would be a great blessing. If you can't afford to give, your prayers would be a blessing as well.

Thanks so much, and if you feel like coming out to run with us, come on down.

CLICK HERE to go to my donation page!

You can also use the link on the right side of my blog!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

First 5K Race EVER!

I made it through without dying! My official time was 32:48.5! I have some room for improvement, but very pleased for my 1st effort.

I am very excited about tomorrow. I will be running in my first 5K ever. I think it is pretty cool that I only began running about a month ago. Prior to loosing my weight, I couldn't run due to crippling shin splints. To date, I have completed the distance only 3 times. Here are my times thus far: 36:46, 27:57, and 30:45 (I struggled the last time out.)

This is a really big step for me, and I love the new found running capability. I owe all of the to God. He has given me strength and willpower I didn't know I had. Wish me luck, and I will post results when I finish.

Good Luck and Good Health!

Monday, June 30, 2014


Well, today is my birthday! However, I am going to give all of you a gift instead. Today, I am offering my book for FREE on Amazon. Just click on the link below, and it is yours for the keeping.

It offers plenty of healthy eating and exercise tips, recipes, weekly meal plan, and more. I hope it helps you in some way to have a healthier life. Please let me know your thoughts on it. I love to hear feedback.

Good Luck and Good Health!



Friday, June 27, 2014

Closer Walk Fitness Challenge

I have embarked on a new project. I am calling it "Closer Walk Fitness Challenge." Currently it is in the very beginning stages of development. I hope to have it completed by end of July 2014. 

Here is a brief description:

Getting started on a path can be the hardest part. Fitness is no different. Taking that first step to a healthier lifestyle is the hardest of all. Once you get moving, staying motivated and developing positive habits takes time, patience, and great willpower. Our walk the God is much the same. Our daily lives tend to “get in the way” of spending the necessary quality time with Him.

This is why I have developed the Closer Walk Fitness Challenge. It is a 4-week program to help you get started on the path to better health. It will help you build healthy habits for fitness. More importantly, it will help you build healthy habits for your walk with God.

Each day of the challenge will offer the following:
  • ·         Daily Bible Verse
  • ·         Daily Bible Reading
  • ·         Daily Prayer Point
  • ·         Thoughts for the Day
  • ·         Daily Recipe
  • ·         Calorie Counter
  • ·         Daily Exercise
  • ·         Journal Entry

You only need two things to get started: 1.) Commitment to follow the program. 2.) Willingness to let God take control. 

I absolutely would enjoy feedback and suggestions. My goal is to make this program FREE for everyone. Therefore, I would like everyone to help make it a program you would enjoy. 

I am including a link to a pdf file for Day 1. This will give you a basic idea of the layout for everyday. Please note, before Day 1, there will be a complete section of instructions on how to use every section. 

Here is the link. Please download and let me know your thoughts.

Good Luck and Good Health!

Friday, June 20, 2014


I was thinking the past couple of days. I really live a blessed life. Now this wasn't news to me. I know that God has given me so much more than I deserve. What did occur to me is how much He is blessing me right now with my health. My life has been somewhat normal and sedate (some might say boring.) Not anymore. I want my life to be amazing and abundant. Jesus came so I might have life abundant (John 10:10), and I intend on taking Him up on it.

I no longer want to be ordinary. I want to be AWESOME!!! Not just for me, but for God, for my wife, for my kids, for my family, for my friends, and yes even for my job. I can only attribute this to my new found healthy lifestyle. EVERYTHING seems better. I have said it many times over. My energy, motivation, desire, willpower, excitement, on and on is through the roof. I want to shout it from the rooftops and let everyone know. GET OFF THE COUCH, AND GET MOVING! I promise you will feel better.

Join me! Stop living ordinary and live awesome. I want everyone to feel the way I do. Let me know, and I will be glad to help with tips, motivation, or just to talk. Let's all be everything we are supposed to be.

Don't feel like talking? No worries CLICK HERE to buy my book for $0.99! Or wait til June 30th, and it will be offered for free. It isn't about the money. I want you to be healthy and happy. My book gives you the exact plan I started all of this with. It also includes update 1.5 with some new stuff too.

Good Luck and Good Health!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Workout Calendar Added!

Check out the new Workout Calendar I have added. If you feel like following along this is the place to do it.

Here are a couple of notes:
1.) My daily routine comes from the Ruthless Workout DVD's
2.) Stronglifts refers to an APP called StrongLifts 5x5. (See other posts for details.)
3.) My Walk / Run day comes from my training for FITAthlon. I mix it up with a little running and little walking. Eventually, it will be all running.

I hope you enjoy, and if you have any questions, let me know.

Good Luck and Good Health!

Monday, June 16, 2014

My Fitness Bucket List!

This past Saturday I reached another milestone. I have lost a total of 50 lbs. My beginning weight was 245, and my current weight is 195. I also believe I am in some of the best shape EVER. I know I continue to have to work at it, but I am more determined than ever to get there.

From my last post, I have started my training for the Fitathlon Challenge. Saturday, I did 20 minutes of yoga to stretch out. I then went for a 2.5 mile stroll. Actually, I jogged 1.25 miles of that. This may not seem like much, but jogging any is a vast improvement. I was able to do this without the crippling shin splints I used to experience.

All of this has led me to make a fitness bucket list. I think it is pretty cool that all these new things are opening up to me. Everything on my list is an item I have NEVER done. Prior to my healthy change, I couldn't have imagined completing any of them. I am very excited about each and every one of these. They all have their own challenges, and I plan on conquering ALL of them.

  1. Finish a 5K in under 30 minutes.
  2. Get 6 Pack Abs
  3. Learn to Kite board
  4. Become a Certified Personal Trainer
  5. Bench Press 1.5 Times Body Weight
  6. Do 10 Pull Ups in a Row
  7. Compete in Fitathlon Challenge
  8. Learn Tai Chi
  9. Go Rappelling in Hawaii
  10. Start a Fitness Challenge
*** These are not in any particular order.

I would love to hear what your bucket list. If you don't have one, I encourage you to make a fitness related one. Challenge yourself!

Good Luck and Good Health.


Friday, June 13, 2014

I Am Setting My Sites On A Goal!

Lately, I have been inspired by some of my family members. I have one who competes in 1/2 and full marathons, and another who just competed in a 1/2 Iron Man. All very cool stuff! I too wanted something to train for. However, I don't really care for the super long distance competitions.

Enter Fitathlon Challenge. I stumbled upon this last night, and I think it is exactly what my addiction calls for. It is a 5K course with approximately 18 obstacles along the way. It is geared to really test your fitness level. Some of the obstacles: Walls, chain pull, tire flips, ropes, lunges, calisthenics, over/unders, balance beam, and on and on. It looks really cool, and I am working on putting together a training plan. I really like their slogan "The Official Sponsor of Sweat"

Thus far I will continue with my Ruthless routine as I believe it will build a great endurance and increase my fitness level. I am going to add in a walk to jogging segment as well, and a strength training regiment. I don't have all the particulars worked out since I just found it last night. However, I am very excited.

My target event will be in March 2015 in Atlanta. This is the next event that will allow for a practical training time frame.

Check out there website. Who knows you may decide you want to enter the event with me.

Fitathlon Challenge Website

Good Luck and Good Health!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Last Night Was RUTHLESS!

Let me start this post by saying my favorite workout program to date is P90X. It has a interesting mix of workouts, and gets results. However, as I stated in previous posts, it is terribly time consuming. 3 days a week, I had to invest at least 1 hr 15 mins. While this ultimately may not seem like much, for me it is. I leave the house at 6:15 am every morning for work. I get home around 6:15-6:30 pm. That means I don't finish my workout till around 7:45 on those days. Still have to eat and more importantly spend time with family. The lack of family time was unacceptable to me.

Enter RUTHLESS! I scoured the Internet looking for another option, and stumbled upon Weider's Ruthless. It is a program developed by Steve Uria. His bio says that he has taken celebrities and athletes to their peak fitness level. The premise is a 60 day program 20 minutes a day. I can do 20 minutes. I was hooked and got the program. The price was right at $29.97 from Wally World.

Last night was my first session with Steve and his Ruthless approach. The name of the workout....Lunatic Intervals. Each exercise last 45 seconds and you get a 15 second rest period. Let me just tell you. That was the toughest 20 minutes I have ever worked out. Ultimately, I couldn't keep the same pace as the video, bu I never quit. I was always moving, just at a slower pace on occasion. This morning I am sore ALL OVER!

I am very excited about this program as it gives me back something very precious to time. I will update everyone as I progress through the program. Tonight's workout is Rip 10's. Not sure what that means but looking forward to it.

As always, Good Luck and Good Health!

For more info and tips, CLICK HERE to buy my book!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Brown Bagging Again!

I really enjoy trying to outdo my lunches at work. I really feel that it makes a difference, and adds a little excitement. In all actuality, the bag I use is grey! Nonetheless, I bring all my lunches to work in a bag.

Today was an excellent selection of items:
- Caribbean Jerk Chicken with sauteed peppers and mushrooms
- New potatoes
- Tuscan Broccoli
and for dessert
- Fresh pineapple
- Fresh strawberries

All this for the low low calorie count of 421. Please be mindful that you aren't just doing away with nutrition to get the lower calories. You have to get the right amount of proteins, carbs, vitamins, etc. That being said, there is no reason that good nutrition equals poor taste. This lunch was packed with flavor, and highly nutritious.

Eating lunch like this does require a little forethought. However, those few extra minutes can change the entire way you look at brown bag lunches. I am also a huge fan of not eating out of the plastic containers you bring your food in. I put my lunch (everyday) on a real plate. I use real utensils, and drink out of a real glass (unless I have a canned drink.)

Hopefully these tips will help you have a better work lunch experience, save you some money, and help you achieve your fitness goals. Good Luck and Good Health!

If you would like more tips, please CLICK HERE to buy my book, only $1.29!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

REAL Sweat!!!

My apologies for the lack of posts lately! I'm am sure everyone was on pins and needles anxiously awaiting them. I was on vacation, and quite frankly didn't do anything healthy. However, I am back an evidently crazier than ever.

Yesterday was day 2 of P90X. I knew going in, it is tough! Plyometrics was the workout for yesterday. It is was mentioned over and over in the video that it is the mother of all P90X workouts. It is considered jump training. Your legs get what could be considered a brutal workout. I may have a screw loose because I LOVED IT! Talk about working up a sweat. This workout out Brings It. The really cool part is that I burnt more calories than I ate for both breakfast and lunch. After I finished my workout, I was -57 calories for the day. Needless to say, dinner was quite a bit of food (all healthy.)

No excuses. To help prove that no excuse was valid, one of the participants on this video had a prosthetic leg. Another participant performed modified versions of each workout that were lower impact. You really have no reason to not be doing this workout. It is a kick butt, take no prisoners, sweat inducing, fat shredding workout.

All of this forces me to really reconsider why I titled my blog page Diet and Exercise Sucks. When I first started, it was because I hated to exercise. Now that I have this strange, supposed, addiction to endorphins, I love exercise. So, maybe I keep the name because it does suck that we have to exercise to get the muscle tone we are looking for. It is ashamed that our bodies just don't come that way. (Please note I defer to our wonderful Creator on this as I know He knows what is best way better than me.)

Keep on looking for the healthy lifestyle, and let's get fit together.

For more tips and recipes, Click Here to buy my book, only $1.29!

Real Sweat, Real Fat Loss, Real AWESOME!

Friday, May 16, 2014


Today is a great day for something free. Don't you think? Yesterday, I determined to allow Amazon to be exclusive distributor for my book. Really not a big deal, couple of clicks and done. Nonetheless, I have decided to celebrate by making my book available for FREE today!

That's right. For the low low price of $0 you can get a copy of my book. It lays out the plan I have used to lose the bulk of my weight. You will also find some great recipes, a weekly meal plan sample, exercise tips, and more. To date, I am down 46 lbs. I feel amazing, and want others to feel the same. It is all in the book.

Check It Out, and if you like it, I would really appreciate a review on Amazon.

Thanks so much for reading my little blog here, and I hope you pick up a copy of My Book. My wish to you is great health and a blessed life.

CLICK HERE to get my book for FREE

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Relieve Stress, Feel Amazing, Look Great!

Everyone has stress in their life. Some days more than others. How to deal with that stress, and get it out of your body is the key. I have tried all kinds of ways in the past. I must confess, generally speaking I am pretty stress free. However, I do need a good way to make it go away.

Stress is bad for you. I know that isn't any big mystery. I was shocked at how much stress can adversely effect our bodies. WebMD had a great article about it if you are interested. The bottom line... stress is bad, getting rid of it is good.

Work it out. Plain and simple. This week I have been gearing up to start P90X, and in doing so I have really concentrated on Core Synergistics and Cardio X. It has left me with a few great discoveries.

  • By the end of the workout, I really have let go of anything bothering me that day. I guess it leaves with the massive amount of sweat pouring out of me. 
  • Even if I am tired. It gives me a shot of energy. Let me explain. I got about 2.5 hours of sleep Monday night. I worked all day, did my 1.5 hour commute home, and was exhausted. Plugged in Cardio X, and by the time it was over, I was cranked up and ready to go. Not tired anymore. Pretty cool, huh.
  • A really neat side effect from these workouts. Is the relaxation that follows. 2-3 hours after I am done, my body is completely relaxed, not tired, relaxed. Again, pretty dang cool.
  • Last but not least. I am seeing positive changes in my body. More and more fat is disappearing. More and more muscle is starting to show through. (Please don't take the title of this post as arrogance. I don't think I look great, but gotta be looking better!)
This journey is truly changing my life in ways I did not expect. I welcome all of you to join me. Just think, great food and plenty of it, stress relief, more energy, positive mental attitude, and better looking. Need I say more. Let's do this. Or in the words of my Tony Horton (P90X Creator)...BRING IT!

I'm really not mad in this pic, but thought it would look silly to have a great big smile on my face cause I was feeling amazing!

Want to know more?

Monday, May 12, 2014

I'm Either Crazy..or Determined!

It appears that I just can't help myself. When I started this journey, I had every intention of keeping my exercise to a minimum. However, the more I do, and the more results I get, I want more. If you read my other post, I could be addicted. I say that in the most humorous way I know how. Nonetheless, I need a better exercise routine.

Started June 2, that is exactly what I am going to do. Enter P90X! I have used P90X several years ago, and I know it gets results. So I am cranking it up more than just a notch. I am cranking it up ALL the notches. I really enjoy the great variety of workouts included with P90X. It keeps my interest strong. Not only that, it works everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING!

I am going to spend the time between now and June 2 getting geared up for P90X. I will be doing some of the routines during that time. If you have never done P90X, let me just tell you, it is hard, demanding, relentless, and wonderful all at the same time. It is a great mix of resistance training and cardio. You can perform the resistance with bands or dumbbells. Best of all, you can do it right in your living room.

I am very excited knowing it will produce results, and can't wait to post before and after pics. I am also looking for volunteers! I would love to build a group of people on the same workout and plan. I do believe that support helps everyone achieve more. If you would like to join me in the P90X quest for good health and a ripped physique, just leave me a comment. Time to get this party started.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sweatin'...but not to the Oldies!

A very odd thing has been occurring lately. First, let me review. My goal when I started this journey, workout wise, was to find a program that took as little time as possible to have some results. No problem. 7 minute workout showed up, and I loved it. I still think it is a fine program. I also brought up in a previous post that I could be addicted to Fitness Apps. However, still just wanting to do as little as possible. Now that you are up to date, let me tell what is odd. I can't get enough of working out. It is the strangest sensation I have been through. I think about working out when I'm not. I look forward to it with great anticipation daily. I am now working out 6 days a week. Sometimes, I workout twice a day during that time. I have to make myself take a rest day. Never expected this, EVER!

Don't get me wrong. I still have a long way to go. There are only parts of my body that I truly think are BEGINNING to look alright. My legs, generally speaking. I still scouring the Internet for great workout options. I still look at fitness apps. The big difference is now I am putting them into practice, a lot.

My wife tells me I may be addicted to endorphins. Curious, I looked that up. Sure 'nuff, lots of articles about it. One article says that the soothing feeling from endorphins is similar to the feeling someone gets when on opium or morphine. Not sure 'bout that! I have had morphine, after surgery, and I sure don't feel like that when working out. However, if you are going to be addicted to something, endorphins doesn't sound so bad, as long as it is kept within reason.

I truly don't think I am addicted to anything. I believe, in the simplest form, I am impatient. With the results I have begin to see, I want more. I want them now, not tomorrow. Ultimately, I know I have to put the work in, and I am more than willing to do so. I do get a rush from working out, and it makes me feel great and healthy. Looking forward to more results.

I would love to hear from you about your workout routine. Drop me a comment and let me know.

Wanna know what I look like after 30 minutes of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Elliptical work? Here ya go! Me rockin' it as I sweat.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I love bacon! It could be my kryptonite. I also love breakfast. Honestly, it could be my favorite meal of the day. As a matter of fact, I never miss breakfast. I feel it is an extremely important meal, and missing it can change your whole day. My guess is, you could Google how important a meal breakfast is, and you would find almost every article and study would back that up.

One of my favorite breakfast items is a great omelet. I don't think I ever met an omelet I didn't like. One of my big fears when I started this journey was having to give up things like omelets, and even worse bacon. Here is an example of why I thought that: A breakfast related chain restaurant serves an omelet with bacon, mushrooms, peppers, cheddar cheese, and a slice of toast. Sounds delicious doesn't it? Well, at 995 calories it ought to be. That's right, 995. I don't know about you, but I am not willing to throw away over half of my day on an omelet.

What to do? What to do? Since I was unwilling to indulge in that I had to find a better plan. No magic here. Just common sense (and the Internet.) Remember, this entire journey I am on, is all about making the RIGHT choices. So below is my choice for breakfast. I hope you enjoy, and I would love to hear what you think about the recipe.

Bacon N More Omelet = 299 Calories

1 Large Whole Egg
3 Large Egg Whites
3 Strips of Pre-cooked Bacon
½ Cup Mushrooms Chopped
½ Cup Sweet Peppers Chopped
1/8 Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Crack egg into mixing bowl, and separate egg whites into same bowl. Beat until well mixed. Coat a medium skillet with non-stick cooking spray and place on medium heat.
Cook bacon per package instructions.
Pour egg mix into skillet, and allow cooking almost all the way through.
Place mushrooms, peppers, and bacon in middle of eggs. Fold egg over filling, and allow cooking for a couple more minutes. Turn omelet over and allow finishing cooking until done.
Place omelet on plate and sprinkle cheese over. Serve with 1 slice of Healthy Life Original Dieters Dream toast (35 calories, included in total). Enjoy!

Makes: 1 Serving
Just by making this 1 choice, I saved 696 calories. Not only that, I get to enjoy 2 of my favorite things, bacon & omelets. As a note the pic below also shows another favorite of mine, Frank's Red Hot. I put it on almost everything. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

New Milestone!

Saturday I awoke to a true blessing. When I stepped on the scales, I was at 200 lbs!!! I had lost 5 lbs this past week, and hit a bit of a milestone weight at 200. That means I have lost a total of 45 lbs! It was great to see that kind of progress after I didn't lose anything the week before. To be fair, the week before, I was out of town and really didn't eat that well. Nonetheless, It really made me feel good to get to this point.

I still have work to do. I would like to finish up at 190 lbs. This is what I jokingly call my fighting weight. In case your wondering, one of the Rocky movies he entered the ring at 192 lbs. I just need more work on how I am carrying that weight. It would appear to be all in my stomach and chest. My legs, forearms, and face have all trimmed down nicely and muscle definition is starting to show up. Stomach, not so much! My plan is to introduce some more cardio into the mix to see if that helps. I will continue with my current workout routine (see previous post), and hopefully add 3 more 30 minute cardio sessions a week. I am truly fortunate that we have a gym here at work, and hope to utilize my lunch hour to get this session in. Wish me luck.

My energy is through the roof, and I feel amazing. Like a little kid again (thus the enclosed pic after church yesterday.) I truly hope you will join me on this journey to better health.

If you are interested, I have lowered the price on my book to a mere $1.29.

Click Here To Buy My Book on Amazon

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Closet Cleansing!

A few days ago I decided to go through my closet and thin out the clothes I couldn't wear anymore. To my surprise, this turned out to be quite therapeutic. Every piece of clothing that was too big brought a great smile to my face. Not only that, it acted as wonderful means of satisfaction knowing I was on the path to better health.

It was with extreme prejudice that I divested my closet of all fat clothes. Going back to the way I was is not optional. You know what else? Turns out I found a lot of "new" clothes I could wear again.

It was time well spent on what was perceived to be a chore originally. When it was all said and done, I was able to give away 48 pieces of clothing that were too big for me. Give it a try, you will love it!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Exercise Sucks, But Getting Results Does Not!

I have worked pretty hard to find workout routines that didn't take over my life, and allowed plenty of time with family. I have tried several different apps, and lots of ideas from various websites. I do believe I have found my favorite combination of exercises. I feel it is a great mix of cardio based exercises, and pure strength building exercises.

Wanna see it? Here ya go!

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
Daily Workouts (Free) App
5 Minutes: High Intensity Cardio (10 exercises, 30 seconds each, 5 seconds rest.) I am building up to 8 minute or 10 minute routine.
10 Minutes: High Intensity Full Body (20 exercises, 30 seconds each, 5 seconds rest.) Building up to 20 minute or 30 minute option.

Tuesday, Thursday:
StrongLifts 5x5 (Free App)
Workout A: Squat, Bench Press, Barbell Row - 5 sets of 5 reps each exercise
Daily Workouts (Free) App
5 Minutes: High Intensity Abs(10 exercises, 30 seconds each, 5 seconds rest.) I am building up to 8 minute or 10 minute routine.

StrongLifts 5x5 (Free App)
Workout B: Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift - 5 sets of 5 reps Squat & Overhead Press, 1 set of 5 reps Deadlift
No time limit just as much as I can stand.

As you can see, my plan is to workout 6 days per week. That doesn't always happen, and I'm okay with that. I refuse to beat myself up over missing a day. My goal is to keep moving, and I am doing so much more than before.

A word about StrongLifts. I love this workout! I have seen huge gains in the amount of weight I am able to workout with. The goal of this workout is to add 5 lbs every single time you workout. Currently, I have added over 40 lbs to every exercise from where I started. Check out the StrongLifts Website. Lots of great information there, and videos on proper form.

This may not be the workout routine for you, but it seems to work for me. The goal for all of us should be to just get moving. Whether you start with the 7 Minute Workout like I did (and still use on occasion) or going out for a walk. All exercises is better than no exercise!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Little Splurge Never Hurt Anyone!

Last night my father-in-law came over for dinner. My wife decided to cook one of my new favorites, SMOKEY BACON PORK CHOPS!! Can't describe how good those are. I thought it was a bit of a splurge not really thinking about it too much. I had room on the day for it. However, as it turns out, didn't really come in to play.

Smokey Bacon Pork Chops - 370 calories
LARGE Baked Potato with a little cheese and lots of Frank's Red Hot - 222 calories
Sauteed Kale with a little extra seasoning for good measure - 15 calories

For the entire meal you are looking at only 607 calories. The moral of this story, just because it looks like you can't eat it, doesn't mean that you can't eat it. A splurge in others eyes is really just another item on the VAST list of foods you will still be able to eat.

I love food and refuse to give it up for bland crappy "diet" food. I am eating better, healthier, more satisfying food than ever before. You can too!

Monday, April 21, 2014


I just realized I had comments turned off. My apologies if anyone has attempted to comment. It is fixed now so comment away!!!

40 Pounds And Counting!

This past Saturday I hit the 40lb mark. I weighed in at 205!!!. This was also the 3 month mark for me. I have truly been blessed with the progress I have made. I don't know if these results are typical. So, please don't get upset if your results differ.

I have learned so many things during these 3 months. The most shocking, I believe, is the fact that I enjoy the food I am eating now more than in the past. So much of what I have now is full of wonderful flavors. I can't thank my wife Cheri enough. She has made so many amazing meals.

I still have a ways to go, but I have no doubt I will acheive my goal. Not because I have to. It's because I want to. I think that makes a difference. Nobody really likes to be told what to do. If you want to do something, you will accomplish that much easier.

Here is my progress photo: 1st one is my starting point @ 245 lbs, 2nd one is 2 months in @ 215 lbs, and lastly 3 months @ 205.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Put The Rice Cake Down!

Eating healthy, watching calories and fat, losing weight, weight management, and all the other horrifying terms we use sound like you will be eating nothing but lettuce and rice cakes. WRONG!!! That was one of the biggest things I learned very quickly when I started this.

I love hamburgers! Always have, always will. Quite frankly, I was concerned I would have to give them up. Fortunately, that turned out to not be the case. Granted, I can't roll up to just any place and chomp down a grease laden 1/2 lb burger. This whole diet is about choices, and making the right ones.

If you love burgers too. Never fear! Here is my favorite recipe. I hope you enjoy.

Triple Threat Hamburgers = 318 calories

 2 dried guajillo chiles
1 dried ancho chiles
2 Large Jalapeno Peppers
1-1/2 pounds 93% lean ground beef

4 tsp Frank’s Red Hot
Large sliced Vidalia onion
Dill Pickle Slices
6 Hamburger Buns
In a large cast iron skillet, cook guajillo, ancho chiles, and 1 of the jalapeno peppers over medium heat for 3 to 4 minutes, turning occasionally, until lightly toasted. Cool at least 1 minute. Remove and discard stems and seeds. Transfer guajillo and ancho chiles to a large bowl; cover with boiling water. Let stand 20 minutes.
Place guajillo, ancho, and toasted jalapeno peppers in a food processor. Blend until peppers are almost in paste form. In a large mixing bowl, combine ground beef, pepper paste, and 4 tsp of Frank’s. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
Divide into 6 equal portions and make into patties (press down in center with thumb to maintain shape while cooking.) Cook burgers on the grill until desired doneness.
Assemble burgers with onion, lettuce, pickles, and another dash (or 2 or 3) of Frank’s.

Makes: 6 Servings

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Daily Workout FREE App - 1st Review

Last night I tried out my newest fitness app, Daily Workout - FREE. I really enjoyed it. My first segment was 5 minutes of cardio (10 exercises, 30 seconds each, maybe 5 seconds rest in between). Next I did a 10 minute full body workout (20 exercises, same timing.) I really enjoyed it. In all that's 30 heart pumping exercises that worked every bit of me. I did unfortunately tweak my left hamstring. I had to lay off leg exercises today at lunch during my StongLifts 5x5 workout.

The full body workout was divided into randomly selected exercises: 4 ab, 4 arm, 4 cardio, 4 butt, and 4 leg. You can vary the length of the workout to 10 min, 20 min, or 30 min. Each length still uses 20 exercises, and just varies the amount of time spent on each one.

The cardio can be done in either 5 min, 8 min, or 10 min circuits. It too, still contains the original 10 exercises at varying lengths.

Overall, it gets high marks by me initially. It is limited to how many versions of the workout it provides on the FREE version. Nonetheless, I believe it will be plenty to keep me busy. Great sweat, and I could tell I worked out this morning when I got up.

I will be trying their abs workout tonight, and I will let you know what I think.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


FAA - Fitness Apps Anonymous

Is there such a place? I may have a problem. I spend entirely too much time scouring, searching, browsing my app store for the "perfect" fitness app. You know the one, right? The one where you do what it says, and you wake up the next morning with six pack abs and a chiseled chest. Did I mention I am also cheap. I only look at the free ones. I realize I have to put in the time. However, I am sometimes impatient.

All kidding aside. I continually download apps in hopes that they will peak my interest. Generally, speaking I get bored quickly with exercise and such. So far, my favorite (again free) apps are: 7-Minute Workout, StrongLifts 5x5, Gain Fitness, Hot5, and FitStar (limited capability on free.) Yesterday, I downloaded Daily Workouts FREE. It looks pretty interesting even with some limitations on the free version. I am going to try it out tonight, and I will let you know how it goes.

Let me know what your favorites are.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Link To Purchase My Book

Buy My Book!

Here is your chance to pick up my book. It is packed full of practical and simple tips to help you manage your weight and health. I hope you enjoy.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Probiotics - Seem to be working!

I started taking a probiotic supplement about 1-1/2" weeks ago. My wife had read a lot of articles, particularly from Dr. Oz, about the benefits. The goal is to turn you gut into a fat eating machine. Well, this past Saturday I weighed in. It was my first full week with the new supplement. I lost 5 lbs! The probiotics was the only change I had made for last week. Workout routine remained the same, food intake pretty much the same. Still too early to give a final verdict, but looking good so far. As a note, the supplement we are using is Ultimate Flora. If you have any experiences with probiotics, please share.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

2 Months and Counting

I have no illusions, that I am anywhere near the finish line. I've got a long way to go, but I am getting there. The plan I have adopted has changed the way I look at food. Not only do I enjoy every meal, I have zero desire to go back to the way I used to eat.

I thought I would share my progress on my weight loss. Please note. I feel it is imperative to weigh on the same day, at the same time, on the same scale, and under the same circumstances. I weigh every Saturday morning when I first wake up. I do this before I eat or drink anything, and I use the same ancient and accurate scale. DO NOT weigh everyday. Your weight will fluctuate constantly. Weighing in everyday will only depress you.

Here is how my 2 months have gone:

1/20/14 = 245 lbs (missed my Saturday starting out)
1/25/14 = 240 lbs
2/1/14 = 233 lbs
2/8/14 = 228 lbs
2/15/14 = 227 lbs
2/22/14 = 225 lbs
3/1/15 = 222 lbs
3/8/14 = 220 lbs
3/15/14 = 218 lbs
3/22/14 = 215 lbs

Why Diet & Exercise Sucks.

I chose the name because I truly believe it. If you read my booklet, then you got the full skinny on the subject. I love food and I don't like to exercise. Plain and simple.'Nuff said!

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Check out my tumblr post for additional pics, updates, and more.

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Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

Let's get this started! Welcome to my blog. This isn't a place for me to go on and on about how great I am. On the contrary. I thrive on sharing information. I hope everyone that comes here shares their success stories, their difficulties, and their opinions. 

Weight management is a constant challenge, and support from others is a great way to do better. I hope you enjoy this blog. I will update at least weekly, and I welcome anyone to post thoughts on how to make this a even better community resource.

I only have 2 rules. If you break these rules, I will only give you one chance to correct the issue then I will have to delete your access to the blog. 

1.) I don't enjoy cursing. I feel it shows a lack of respect and creativity. Anyone can use foul language. Take the time to find a more positive word.

2.) Don't tear anyone down. We are all here because we want support. We are not here to judge, condemn, or mock anyone.