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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Relieve Stress, Feel Amazing, Look Great!

Everyone has stress in their life. Some days more than others. How to deal with that stress, and get it out of your body is the key. I have tried all kinds of ways in the past. I must confess, generally speaking I am pretty stress free. However, I do need a good way to make it go away.

Stress is bad for you. I know that isn't any big mystery. I was shocked at how much stress can adversely effect our bodies. WebMD had a great article about it if you are interested. The bottom line... stress is bad, getting rid of it is good.

Work it out. Plain and simple. This week I have been gearing up to start P90X, and in doing so I have really concentrated on Core Synergistics and Cardio X. It has left me with a few great discoveries.

  • By the end of the workout, I really have let go of anything bothering me that day. I guess it leaves with the massive amount of sweat pouring out of me. 
  • Even if I am tired. It gives me a shot of energy. Let me explain. I got about 2.5 hours of sleep Monday night. I worked all day, did my 1.5 hour commute home, and was exhausted. Plugged in Cardio X, and by the time it was over, I was cranked up and ready to go. Not tired anymore. Pretty cool, huh.
  • A really neat side effect from these workouts. Is the relaxation that follows. 2-3 hours after I am done, my body is completely relaxed, not tired, relaxed. Again, pretty dang cool.
  • Last but not least. I am seeing positive changes in my body. More and more fat is disappearing. More and more muscle is starting to show through. (Please don't take the title of this post as arrogance. I don't think I look great, but gotta be looking better!)
This journey is truly changing my life in ways I did not expect. I welcome all of you to join me. Just think, great food and plenty of it, stress relief, more energy, positive mental attitude, and better looking. Need I say more. Let's do this. Or in the words of my Tony Horton (P90X Creator)...BRING IT!

I'm really not mad in this pic, but thought it would look silly to have a great big smile on my face cause I was feeling amazing!

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