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Monday, May 5, 2014

New Milestone!

Saturday I awoke to a true blessing. When I stepped on the scales, I was at 200 lbs!!! I had lost 5 lbs this past week, and hit a bit of a milestone weight at 200. That means I have lost a total of 45 lbs! It was great to see that kind of progress after I didn't lose anything the week before. To be fair, the week before, I was out of town and really didn't eat that well. Nonetheless, It really made me feel good to get to this point.

I still have work to do. I would like to finish up at 190 lbs. This is what I jokingly call my fighting weight. In case your wondering, one of the Rocky movies he entered the ring at 192 lbs. I just need more work on how I am carrying that weight. It would appear to be all in my stomach and chest. My legs, forearms, and face have all trimmed down nicely and muscle definition is starting to show up. Stomach, not so much! My plan is to introduce some more cardio into the mix to see if that helps. I will continue with my current workout routine (see previous post), and hopefully add 3 more 30 minute cardio sessions a week. I am truly fortunate that we have a gym here at work, and hope to utilize my lunch hour to get this session in. Wish me luck.

My energy is through the roof, and I feel amazing. Like a little kid again (thus the enclosed pic after church yesterday.) I truly hope you will join me on this journey to better health.

If you are interested, I have lowered the price on my book to a mere $1.29.

Click Here To Buy My Book on Amazon

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