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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Closet Cleansing!

A few days ago I decided to go through my closet and thin out the clothes I couldn't wear anymore. To my surprise, this turned out to be quite therapeutic. Every piece of clothing that was too big brought a great smile to my face. Not only that, it acted as wonderful means of satisfaction knowing I was on the path to better health.

It was with extreme prejudice that I divested my closet of all fat clothes. Going back to the way I was is not optional. You know what else? Turns out I found a lot of "new" clothes I could wear again.

It was time well spent on what was perceived to be a chore originally. When it was all said and done, I was able to give away 48 pieces of clothing that were too big for me. Give it a try, you will love it!

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