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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

You Don't Have To Starve!

I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard this, "I couldn't do that, I would starve to death." I'm not sure why everyone associates eating right with eating less. Nothing could be further from the truth. Since I started my journey, I have lost 53 lbs. To date, I have NEVER gone hungry. As a matter of fact, my volume of food has gone up. 

But wait there's more! The food I am enjoying now is packed with much more flavor than the "bad" food I was eating before. My wife has done an amazing job preparing dinners that are absolutely delicious and fantastic for us. My choices for lunch have improved vastly, and I don't spend a fortune going out to eat every day. 

My point to all of this, is to let people know. Eating right, DOES NOT mean eating less. You can do this, and you will be full as you want to be.

Here are some simple rules you will need to follow:
1. Set a daily goal. - I use MyFitnessPal app.
2. Know what you are eating. - You have to read some labels. There is a wide difference between brands of food. 
3. Track what you eat. - Don't guess, you will be wrong.
4. Splurge on occasion. - No more than once a week, I eat a little something that may not be so good for me.
5. Remember it is all about making good choices, and there are plenty of good ones to choose from.

For more info, recipes, meal plans, and more Check Out My Book

If you have questions, just send me a message. I will be glad to help anyway I can. 

Good Luck and Good Health!

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