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Friday, May 16, 2014


Today is a great day for something free. Don't you think? Yesterday, I determined to allow Amazon to be exclusive distributor for my book. Really not a big deal, couple of clicks and done. Nonetheless, I have decided to celebrate by making my book available for FREE today!

That's right. For the low low price of $0 you can get a copy of my book. It lays out the plan I have used to lose the bulk of my weight. You will also find some great recipes, a weekly meal plan sample, exercise tips, and more. To date, I am down 46 lbs. I feel amazing, and want others to feel the same. It is all in the book.

Check It Out, and if you like it, I would really appreciate a review on Amazon.

Thanks so much for reading my little blog here, and I hope you pick up a copy of My Book. My wish to you is great health and a blessed life.

CLICK HERE to get my book for FREE

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