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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Brown Bagging Again!

I really enjoy trying to outdo my lunches at work. I really feel that it makes a difference, and adds a little excitement. In all actuality, the bag I use is grey! Nonetheless, I bring all my lunches to work in a bag.

Today was an excellent selection of items:
- Caribbean Jerk Chicken with sauteed peppers and mushrooms
- New potatoes
- Tuscan Broccoli
and for dessert
- Fresh pineapple
- Fresh strawberries

All this for the low low calorie count of 421. Please be mindful that you aren't just doing away with nutrition to get the lower calories. You have to get the right amount of proteins, carbs, vitamins, etc. That being said, there is no reason that good nutrition equals poor taste. This lunch was packed with flavor, and highly nutritious.

Eating lunch like this does require a little forethought. However, those few extra minutes can change the entire way you look at brown bag lunches. I am also a huge fan of not eating out of the plastic containers you bring your food in. I put my lunch (everyday) on a real plate. I use real utensils, and drink out of a real glass (unless I have a canned drink.)

Hopefully these tips will help you have a better work lunch experience, save you some money, and help you achieve your fitness goals. Good Luck and Good Health!

If you would like more tips, please CLICK HERE to buy my book, only $1.29!

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