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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Closet Cleansing!

A few days ago I decided to go through my closet and thin out the clothes I couldn't wear anymore. To my surprise, this turned out to be quite therapeutic. Every piece of clothing that was too big brought a great smile to my face. Not only that, it acted as wonderful means of satisfaction knowing I was on the path to better health.

It was with extreme prejudice that I divested my closet of all fat clothes. Going back to the way I was is not optional. You know what else? Turns out I found a lot of "new" clothes I could wear again.

It was time well spent on what was perceived to be a chore originally. When it was all said and done, I was able to give away 48 pieces of clothing that were too big for me. Give it a try, you will love it!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Exercise Sucks, But Getting Results Does Not!

I have worked pretty hard to find workout routines that didn't take over my life, and allowed plenty of time with family. I have tried several different apps, and lots of ideas from various websites. I do believe I have found my favorite combination of exercises. I feel it is a great mix of cardio based exercises, and pure strength building exercises.

Wanna see it? Here ya go!

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
Daily Workouts (Free) App
5 Minutes: High Intensity Cardio (10 exercises, 30 seconds each, 5 seconds rest.) I am building up to 8 minute or 10 minute routine.
10 Minutes: High Intensity Full Body (20 exercises, 30 seconds each, 5 seconds rest.) Building up to 20 minute or 30 minute option.

Tuesday, Thursday:
StrongLifts 5x5 (Free App)
Workout A: Squat, Bench Press, Barbell Row - 5 sets of 5 reps each exercise
Daily Workouts (Free) App
5 Minutes: High Intensity Abs(10 exercises, 30 seconds each, 5 seconds rest.) I am building up to 8 minute or 10 minute routine.

StrongLifts 5x5 (Free App)
Workout B: Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift - 5 sets of 5 reps Squat & Overhead Press, 1 set of 5 reps Deadlift
No time limit just as much as I can stand.

As you can see, my plan is to workout 6 days per week. That doesn't always happen, and I'm okay with that. I refuse to beat myself up over missing a day. My goal is to keep moving, and I am doing so much more than before.

A word about StrongLifts. I love this workout! I have seen huge gains in the amount of weight I am able to workout with. The goal of this workout is to add 5 lbs every single time you workout. Currently, I have added over 40 lbs to every exercise from where I started. Check out the StrongLifts Website. Lots of great information there, and videos on proper form.

This may not be the workout routine for you, but it seems to work for me. The goal for all of us should be to just get moving. Whether you start with the 7 Minute Workout like I did (and still use on occasion) or going out for a walk. All exercises is better than no exercise!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Little Splurge Never Hurt Anyone!

Last night my father-in-law came over for dinner. My wife decided to cook one of my new favorites, SMOKEY BACON PORK CHOPS!! Can't describe how good those are. I thought it was a bit of a splurge not really thinking about it too much. I had room on the day for it. However, as it turns out, didn't really come in to play.

Smokey Bacon Pork Chops - 370 calories
LARGE Baked Potato with a little cheese and lots of Frank's Red Hot - 222 calories
Sauteed Kale with a little extra seasoning for good measure - 15 calories

For the entire meal you are looking at only 607 calories. The moral of this story, just because it looks like you can't eat it, doesn't mean that you can't eat it. A splurge in others eyes is really just another item on the VAST list of foods you will still be able to eat.

I love food and refuse to give it up for bland crappy "diet" food. I am eating better, healthier, more satisfying food than ever before. You can too!

Monday, April 21, 2014


I just realized I had comments turned off. My apologies if anyone has attempted to comment. It is fixed now so comment away!!!

40 Pounds And Counting!

This past Saturday I hit the 40lb mark. I weighed in at 205!!!. This was also the 3 month mark for me. I have truly been blessed with the progress I have made. I don't know if these results are typical. So, please don't get upset if your results differ.

I have learned so many things during these 3 months. The most shocking, I believe, is the fact that I enjoy the food I am eating now more than in the past. So much of what I have now is full of wonderful flavors. I can't thank my wife Cheri enough. She has made so many amazing meals.

I still have a ways to go, but I have no doubt I will acheive my goal. Not because I have to. It's because I want to. I think that makes a difference. Nobody really likes to be told what to do. If you want to do something, you will accomplish that much easier.

Here is my progress photo: 1st one is my starting point @ 245 lbs, 2nd one is 2 months in @ 215 lbs, and lastly 3 months @ 205.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Put The Rice Cake Down!

Eating healthy, watching calories and fat, losing weight, weight management, and all the other horrifying terms we use sound like you will be eating nothing but lettuce and rice cakes. WRONG!!! That was one of the biggest things I learned very quickly when I started this.

I love hamburgers! Always have, always will. Quite frankly, I was concerned I would have to give them up. Fortunately, that turned out to not be the case. Granted, I can't roll up to just any place and chomp down a grease laden 1/2 lb burger. This whole diet is about choices, and making the right ones.

If you love burgers too. Never fear! Here is my favorite recipe. I hope you enjoy.

Triple Threat Hamburgers = 318 calories

 2 dried guajillo chiles
1 dried ancho chiles
2 Large Jalapeno Peppers
1-1/2 pounds 93% lean ground beef

4 tsp Frank’s Red Hot
Large sliced Vidalia onion
Dill Pickle Slices
6 Hamburger Buns
In a large cast iron skillet, cook guajillo, ancho chiles, and 1 of the jalapeno peppers over medium heat for 3 to 4 minutes, turning occasionally, until lightly toasted. Cool at least 1 minute. Remove and discard stems and seeds. Transfer guajillo and ancho chiles to a large bowl; cover with boiling water. Let stand 20 minutes.
Place guajillo, ancho, and toasted jalapeno peppers in a food processor. Blend until peppers are almost in paste form. In a large mixing bowl, combine ground beef, pepper paste, and 4 tsp of Frank’s. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
Divide into 6 equal portions and make into patties (press down in center with thumb to maintain shape while cooking.) Cook burgers on the grill until desired doneness.
Assemble burgers with onion, lettuce, pickles, and another dash (or 2 or 3) of Frank’s.

Makes: 6 Servings

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Daily Workout FREE App - 1st Review

Last night I tried out my newest fitness app, Daily Workout - FREE. I really enjoyed it. My first segment was 5 minutes of cardio (10 exercises, 30 seconds each, maybe 5 seconds rest in between). Next I did a 10 minute full body workout (20 exercises, same timing.) I really enjoyed it. In all that's 30 heart pumping exercises that worked every bit of me. I did unfortunately tweak my left hamstring. I had to lay off leg exercises today at lunch during my StongLifts 5x5 workout.

The full body workout was divided into randomly selected exercises: 4 ab, 4 arm, 4 cardio, 4 butt, and 4 leg. You can vary the length of the workout to 10 min, 20 min, or 30 min. Each length still uses 20 exercises, and just varies the amount of time spent on each one.

The cardio can be done in either 5 min, 8 min, or 10 min circuits. It too, still contains the original 10 exercises at varying lengths.

Overall, it gets high marks by me initially. It is limited to how many versions of the workout it provides on the FREE version. Nonetheless, I believe it will be plenty to keep me busy. Great sweat, and I could tell I worked out this morning when I got up.

I will be trying their abs workout tonight, and I will let you know what I think.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


FAA - Fitness Apps Anonymous

Is there such a place? I may have a problem. I spend entirely too much time scouring, searching, browsing my app store for the "perfect" fitness app. You know the one, right? The one where you do what it says, and you wake up the next morning with six pack abs and a chiseled chest. Did I mention I am also cheap. I only look at the free ones. I realize I have to put in the time. However, I am sometimes impatient.

All kidding aside. I continually download apps in hopes that they will peak my interest. Generally, speaking I get bored quickly with exercise and such. So far, my favorite (again free) apps are: 7-Minute Workout, StrongLifts 5x5, Gain Fitness, Hot5, and FitStar (limited capability on free.) Yesterday, I downloaded Daily Workouts FREE. It looks pretty interesting even with some limitations on the free version. I am going to try it out tonight, and I will let you know how it goes.

Let me know what your favorites are.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Link To Purchase My Book

Buy My Book!

Here is your chance to pick up my book. It is packed full of practical and simple tips to help you manage your weight and health. I hope you enjoy.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Probiotics - Seem to be working!

I started taking a probiotic supplement about 1-1/2" weeks ago. My wife had read a lot of articles, particularly from Dr. Oz, about the benefits. The goal is to turn you gut into a fat eating machine. Well, this past Saturday I weighed in. It was my first full week with the new supplement. I lost 5 lbs! The probiotics was the only change I had made for last week. Workout routine remained the same, food intake pretty much the same. Still too early to give a final verdict, but looking good so far. As a note, the supplement we are using is Ultimate Flora. If you have any experiences with probiotics, please share.