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Monday, June 30, 2014


Well, today is my birthday! However, I am going to give all of you a gift instead. Today, I am offering my book for FREE on Amazon. Just click on the link below, and it is yours for the keeping.

It offers plenty of healthy eating and exercise tips, recipes, weekly meal plan, and more. I hope it helps you in some way to have a healthier life. Please let me know your thoughts on it. I love to hear feedback.

Good Luck and Good Health!



Friday, June 27, 2014

Closer Walk Fitness Challenge

I have embarked on a new project. I am calling it "Closer Walk Fitness Challenge." Currently it is in the very beginning stages of development. I hope to have it completed by end of July 2014. 

Here is a brief description:

Getting started on a path can be the hardest part. Fitness is no different. Taking that first step to a healthier lifestyle is the hardest of all. Once you get moving, staying motivated and developing positive habits takes time, patience, and great willpower. Our walk the God is much the same. Our daily lives tend to “get in the way” of spending the necessary quality time with Him.

This is why I have developed the Closer Walk Fitness Challenge. It is a 4-week program to help you get started on the path to better health. It will help you build healthy habits for fitness. More importantly, it will help you build healthy habits for your walk with God.

Each day of the challenge will offer the following:
  • ·         Daily Bible Verse
  • ·         Daily Bible Reading
  • ·         Daily Prayer Point
  • ·         Thoughts for the Day
  • ·         Daily Recipe
  • ·         Calorie Counter
  • ·         Daily Exercise
  • ·         Journal Entry

You only need two things to get started: 1.) Commitment to follow the program. 2.) Willingness to let God take control. 

I absolutely would enjoy feedback and suggestions. My goal is to make this program FREE for everyone. Therefore, I would like everyone to help make it a program you would enjoy. 

I am including a link to a pdf file for Day 1. This will give you a basic idea of the layout for everyday. Please note, before Day 1, there will be a complete section of instructions on how to use every section. 

Here is the link. Please download and let me know your thoughts.

Good Luck and Good Health!

Friday, June 20, 2014


I was thinking the past couple of days. I really live a blessed life. Now this wasn't news to me. I know that God has given me so much more than I deserve. What did occur to me is how much He is blessing me right now with my health. My life has been somewhat normal and sedate (some might say boring.) Not anymore. I want my life to be amazing and abundant. Jesus came so I might have life abundant (John 10:10), and I intend on taking Him up on it.

I no longer want to be ordinary. I want to be AWESOME!!! Not just for me, but for God, for my wife, for my kids, for my family, for my friends, and yes even for my job. I can only attribute this to my new found healthy lifestyle. EVERYTHING seems better. I have said it many times over. My energy, motivation, desire, willpower, excitement, on and on is through the roof. I want to shout it from the rooftops and let everyone know. GET OFF THE COUCH, AND GET MOVING! I promise you will feel better.

Join me! Stop living ordinary and live awesome. I want everyone to feel the way I do. Let me know, and I will be glad to help with tips, motivation, or just to talk. Let's all be everything we are supposed to be.

Don't feel like talking? No worries CLICK HERE to buy my book for $0.99! Or wait til June 30th, and it will be offered for free. It isn't about the money. I want you to be healthy and happy. My book gives you the exact plan I started all of this with. It also includes update 1.5 with some new stuff too.

Good Luck and Good Health!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Workout Calendar Added!

Check out the new Workout Calendar I have added. If you feel like following along this is the place to do it.

Here are a couple of notes:
1.) My daily routine comes from the Ruthless Workout DVD's
2.) Stronglifts refers to an APP called StrongLifts 5x5. (See other posts for details.)
3.) My Walk / Run day comes from my training for FITAthlon. I mix it up with a little running and little walking. Eventually, it will be all running.

I hope you enjoy, and if you have any questions, let me know.

Good Luck and Good Health!

Monday, June 16, 2014

My Fitness Bucket List!

This past Saturday I reached another milestone. I have lost a total of 50 lbs. My beginning weight was 245, and my current weight is 195. I also believe I am in some of the best shape EVER. I know I continue to have to work at it, but I am more determined than ever to get there.

From my last post, I have started my training for the Fitathlon Challenge. Saturday, I did 20 minutes of yoga to stretch out. I then went for a 2.5 mile stroll. Actually, I jogged 1.25 miles of that. This may not seem like much, but jogging any is a vast improvement. I was able to do this without the crippling shin splints I used to experience.

All of this has led me to make a fitness bucket list. I think it is pretty cool that all these new things are opening up to me. Everything on my list is an item I have NEVER done. Prior to my healthy change, I couldn't have imagined completing any of them. I am very excited about each and every one of these. They all have their own challenges, and I plan on conquering ALL of them.

  1. Finish a 5K in under 30 minutes.
  2. Get 6 Pack Abs
  3. Learn to Kite board
  4. Become a Certified Personal Trainer
  5. Bench Press 1.5 Times Body Weight
  6. Do 10 Pull Ups in a Row
  7. Compete in Fitathlon Challenge
  8. Learn Tai Chi
  9. Go Rappelling in Hawaii
  10. Start a Fitness Challenge
*** These are not in any particular order.

I would love to hear what your bucket list. If you don't have one, I encourage you to make a fitness related one. Challenge yourself!

Good Luck and Good Health.


Friday, June 13, 2014

I Am Setting My Sites On A Goal!

Lately, I have been inspired by some of my family members. I have one who competes in 1/2 and full marathons, and another who just competed in a 1/2 Iron Man. All very cool stuff! I too wanted something to train for. However, I don't really care for the super long distance competitions.

Enter Fitathlon Challenge. I stumbled upon this last night, and I think it is exactly what my addiction calls for. It is a 5K course with approximately 18 obstacles along the way. It is geared to really test your fitness level. Some of the obstacles: Walls, chain pull, tire flips, ropes, lunges, calisthenics, over/unders, balance beam, and on and on. It looks really cool, and I am working on putting together a training plan. I really like their slogan "The Official Sponsor of Sweat"

Thus far I will continue with my Ruthless routine as I believe it will build a great endurance and increase my fitness level. I am going to add in a walk to jogging segment as well, and a strength training regiment. I don't have all the particulars worked out since I just found it last night. However, I am very excited.

My target event will be in March 2015 in Atlanta. This is the next event that will allow for a practical training time frame.

Check out there website. Who knows you may decide you want to enter the event with me.

Fitathlon Challenge Website

Good Luck and Good Health!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Last Night Was RUTHLESS!

Let me start this post by saying my favorite workout program to date is P90X. It has a interesting mix of workouts, and gets results. However, as I stated in previous posts, it is terribly time consuming. 3 days a week, I had to invest at least 1 hr 15 mins. While this ultimately may not seem like much, for me it is. I leave the house at 6:15 am every morning for work. I get home around 6:15-6:30 pm. That means I don't finish my workout till around 7:45 on those days. Still have to eat and more importantly spend time with family. The lack of family time was unacceptable to me.

Enter RUTHLESS! I scoured the Internet looking for another option, and stumbled upon Weider's Ruthless. It is a program developed by Steve Uria. His bio says that he has taken celebrities and athletes to their peak fitness level. The premise is a 60 day program 20 minutes a day. I can do 20 minutes. I was hooked and got the program. The price was right at $29.97 from Wally World.

Last night was my first session with Steve and his Ruthless approach. The name of the workout....Lunatic Intervals. Each exercise last 45 seconds and you get a 15 second rest period. Let me just tell you. That was the toughest 20 minutes I have ever worked out. Ultimately, I couldn't keep the same pace as the video, bu I never quit. I was always moving, just at a slower pace on occasion. This morning I am sore ALL OVER!

I am very excited about this program as it gives me back something very precious to time. I will update everyone as I progress through the program. Tonight's workout is Rip 10's. Not sure what that means but looking forward to it.

As always, Good Luck and Good Health!

For more info and tips, CLICK HERE to buy my book!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Brown Bagging Again!

I really enjoy trying to outdo my lunches at work. I really feel that it makes a difference, and adds a little excitement. In all actuality, the bag I use is grey! Nonetheless, I bring all my lunches to work in a bag.

Today was an excellent selection of items:
- Caribbean Jerk Chicken with sauteed peppers and mushrooms
- New potatoes
- Tuscan Broccoli
and for dessert
- Fresh pineapple
- Fresh strawberries

All this for the low low calorie count of 421. Please be mindful that you aren't just doing away with nutrition to get the lower calories. You have to get the right amount of proteins, carbs, vitamins, etc. That being said, there is no reason that good nutrition equals poor taste. This lunch was packed with flavor, and highly nutritious.

Eating lunch like this does require a little forethought. However, those few extra minutes can change the entire way you look at brown bag lunches. I am also a huge fan of not eating out of the plastic containers you bring your food in. I put my lunch (everyday) on a real plate. I use real utensils, and drink out of a real glass (unless I have a canned drink.)

Hopefully these tips will help you have a better work lunch experience, save you some money, and help you achieve your fitness goals. Good Luck and Good Health!

If you would like more tips, please CLICK HERE to buy my book, only $1.29!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

REAL Sweat!!!

My apologies for the lack of posts lately! I'm am sure everyone was on pins and needles anxiously awaiting them. I was on vacation, and quite frankly didn't do anything healthy. However, I am back an evidently crazier than ever.

Yesterday was day 2 of P90X. I knew going in, it is tough! Plyometrics was the workout for yesterday. It is was mentioned over and over in the video that it is the mother of all P90X workouts. It is considered jump training. Your legs get what could be considered a brutal workout. I may have a screw loose because I LOVED IT! Talk about working up a sweat. This workout out Brings It. The really cool part is that I burnt more calories than I ate for both breakfast and lunch. After I finished my workout, I was -57 calories for the day. Needless to say, dinner was quite a bit of food (all healthy.)

No excuses. To help prove that no excuse was valid, one of the participants on this video had a prosthetic leg. Another participant performed modified versions of each workout that were lower impact. You really have no reason to not be doing this workout. It is a kick butt, take no prisoners, sweat inducing, fat shredding workout.

All of this forces me to really reconsider why I titled my blog page Diet and Exercise Sucks. When I first started, it was because I hated to exercise. Now that I have this strange, supposed, addiction to endorphins, I love exercise. So, maybe I keep the name because it does suck that we have to exercise to get the muscle tone we are looking for. It is ashamed that our bodies just don't come that way. (Please note I defer to our wonderful Creator on this as I know He knows what is best way better than me.)

Keep on looking for the healthy lifestyle, and let's get fit together.

For more tips and recipes, Click Here to buy my book, only $1.29!

Real Sweat, Real Fat Loss, Real AWESOME!