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Friday, May 16, 2014


Today is a great day for something free. Don't you think? Yesterday, I determined to allow Amazon to be exclusive distributor for my book. Really not a big deal, couple of clicks and done. Nonetheless, I have decided to celebrate by making my book available for FREE today!

That's right. For the low low price of $0 you can get a copy of my book. It lays out the plan I have used to lose the bulk of my weight. You will also find some great recipes, a weekly meal plan sample, exercise tips, and more. To date, I am down 46 lbs. I feel amazing, and want others to feel the same. It is all in the book.

Check It Out, and if you like it, I would really appreciate a review on Amazon.

Thanks so much for reading my little blog here, and I hope you pick up a copy of My Book. My wish to you is great health and a blessed life.

CLICK HERE to get my book for FREE

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Relieve Stress, Feel Amazing, Look Great!

Everyone has stress in their life. Some days more than others. How to deal with that stress, and get it out of your body is the key. I have tried all kinds of ways in the past. I must confess, generally speaking I am pretty stress free. However, I do need a good way to make it go away.

Stress is bad for you. I know that isn't any big mystery. I was shocked at how much stress can adversely effect our bodies. WebMD had a great article about it if you are interested. The bottom line... stress is bad, getting rid of it is good.

Work it out. Plain and simple. This week I have been gearing up to start P90X, and in doing so I have really concentrated on Core Synergistics and Cardio X. It has left me with a few great discoveries.

  • By the end of the workout, I really have let go of anything bothering me that day. I guess it leaves with the massive amount of sweat pouring out of me. 
  • Even if I am tired. It gives me a shot of energy. Let me explain. I got about 2.5 hours of sleep Monday night. I worked all day, did my 1.5 hour commute home, and was exhausted. Plugged in Cardio X, and by the time it was over, I was cranked up and ready to go. Not tired anymore. Pretty cool, huh.
  • A really neat side effect from these workouts. Is the relaxation that follows. 2-3 hours after I am done, my body is completely relaxed, not tired, relaxed. Again, pretty dang cool.
  • Last but not least. I am seeing positive changes in my body. More and more fat is disappearing. More and more muscle is starting to show through. (Please don't take the title of this post as arrogance. I don't think I look great, but gotta be looking better!)
This journey is truly changing my life in ways I did not expect. I welcome all of you to join me. Just think, great food and plenty of it, stress relief, more energy, positive mental attitude, and better looking. Need I say more. Let's do this. Or in the words of my Tony Horton (P90X Creator)...BRING IT!

I'm really not mad in this pic, but thought it would look silly to have a great big smile on my face cause I was feeling amazing!

Want to know more?

Monday, May 12, 2014

I'm Either Crazy..or Determined!

It appears that I just can't help myself. When I started this journey, I had every intention of keeping my exercise to a minimum. However, the more I do, and the more results I get, I want more. If you read my other post, I could be addicted. I say that in the most humorous way I know how. Nonetheless, I need a better exercise routine.

Started June 2, that is exactly what I am going to do. Enter P90X! I have used P90X several years ago, and I know it gets results. So I am cranking it up more than just a notch. I am cranking it up ALL the notches. I really enjoy the great variety of workouts included with P90X. It keeps my interest strong. Not only that, it works everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING!

I am going to spend the time between now and June 2 getting geared up for P90X. I will be doing some of the routines during that time. If you have never done P90X, let me just tell you, it is hard, demanding, relentless, and wonderful all at the same time. It is a great mix of resistance training and cardio. You can perform the resistance with bands or dumbbells. Best of all, you can do it right in your living room.

I am very excited knowing it will produce results, and can't wait to post before and after pics. I am also looking for volunteers! I would love to build a group of people on the same workout and plan. I do believe that support helps everyone achieve more. If you would like to join me in the P90X quest for good health and a ripped physique, just leave me a comment. Time to get this party started.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sweatin'...but not to the Oldies!

A very odd thing has been occurring lately. First, let me review. My goal when I started this journey, workout wise, was to find a program that took as little time as possible to have some results. No problem. 7 minute workout showed up, and I loved it. I still think it is a fine program. I also brought up in a previous post that I could be addicted to Fitness Apps. However, still just wanting to do as little as possible. Now that you are up to date, let me tell what is odd. I can't get enough of working out. It is the strangest sensation I have been through. I think about working out when I'm not. I look forward to it with great anticipation daily. I am now working out 6 days a week. Sometimes, I workout twice a day during that time. I have to make myself take a rest day. Never expected this, EVER!

Don't get me wrong. I still have a long way to go. There are only parts of my body that I truly think are BEGINNING to look alright. My legs, generally speaking. I still scouring the Internet for great workout options. I still look at fitness apps. The big difference is now I am putting them into practice, a lot.

My wife tells me I may be addicted to endorphins. Curious, I looked that up. Sure 'nuff, lots of articles about it. One article says that the soothing feeling from endorphins is similar to the feeling someone gets when on opium or morphine. Not sure 'bout that! I have had morphine, after surgery, and I sure don't feel like that when working out. However, if you are going to be addicted to something, endorphins doesn't sound so bad, as long as it is kept within reason.

I truly don't think I am addicted to anything. I believe, in the simplest form, I am impatient. With the results I have begin to see, I want more. I want them now, not tomorrow. Ultimately, I know I have to put the work in, and I am more than willing to do so. I do get a rush from working out, and it makes me feel great and healthy. Looking forward to more results.

I would love to hear from you about your workout routine. Drop me a comment and let me know.

Wanna know what I look like after 30 minutes of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Elliptical work? Here ya go! Me rockin' it as I sweat.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I love bacon! It could be my kryptonite. I also love breakfast. Honestly, it could be my favorite meal of the day. As a matter of fact, I never miss breakfast. I feel it is an extremely important meal, and missing it can change your whole day. My guess is, you could Google how important a meal breakfast is, and you would find almost every article and study would back that up.

One of my favorite breakfast items is a great omelet. I don't think I ever met an omelet I didn't like. One of my big fears when I started this journey was having to give up things like omelets, and even worse bacon. Here is an example of why I thought that: A breakfast related chain restaurant serves an omelet with bacon, mushrooms, peppers, cheddar cheese, and a slice of toast. Sounds delicious doesn't it? Well, at 995 calories it ought to be. That's right, 995. I don't know about you, but I am not willing to throw away over half of my day on an omelet.

What to do? What to do? Since I was unwilling to indulge in that I had to find a better plan. No magic here. Just common sense (and the Internet.) Remember, this entire journey I am on, is all about making the RIGHT choices. So below is my choice for breakfast. I hope you enjoy, and I would love to hear what you think about the recipe.

Bacon N More Omelet = 299 Calories

1 Large Whole Egg
3 Large Egg Whites
3 Strips of Pre-cooked Bacon
½ Cup Mushrooms Chopped
½ Cup Sweet Peppers Chopped
1/8 Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Crack egg into mixing bowl, and separate egg whites into same bowl. Beat until well mixed. Coat a medium skillet with non-stick cooking spray and place on medium heat.
Cook bacon per package instructions.
Pour egg mix into skillet, and allow cooking almost all the way through.
Place mushrooms, peppers, and bacon in middle of eggs. Fold egg over filling, and allow cooking for a couple more minutes. Turn omelet over and allow finishing cooking until done.
Place omelet on plate and sprinkle cheese over. Serve with 1 slice of Healthy Life Original Dieters Dream toast (35 calories, included in total). Enjoy!

Makes: 1 Serving
Just by making this 1 choice, I saved 696 calories. Not only that, I get to enjoy 2 of my favorite things, bacon & omelets. As a note the pic below also shows another favorite of mine, Frank's Red Hot. I put it on almost everything. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

New Milestone!

Saturday I awoke to a true blessing. When I stepped on the scales, I was at 200 lbs!!! I had lost 5 lbs this past week, and hit a bit of a milestone weight at 200. That means I have lost a total of 45 lbs! It was great to see that kind of progress after I didn't lose anything the week before. To be fair, the week before, I was out of town and really didn't eat that well. Nonetheless, It really made me feel good to get to this point.

I still have work to do. I would like to finish up at 190 lbs. This is what I jokingly call my fighting weight. In case your wondering, one of the Rocky movies he entered the ring at 192 lbs. I just need more work on how I am carrying that weight. It would appear to be all in my stomach and chest. My legs, forearms, and face have all trimmed down nicely and muscle definition is starting to show up. Stomach, not so much! My plan is to introduce some more cardio into the mix to see if that helps. I will continue with my current workout routine (see previous post), and hopefully add 3 more 30 minute cardio sessions a week. I am truly fortunate that we have a gym here at work, and hope to utilize my lunch hour to get this session in. Wish me luck.

My energy is through the roof, and I feel amazing. Like a little kid again (thus the enclosed pic after church yesterday.) I truly hope you will join me on this journey to better health.

If you are interested, I have lowered the price on my book to a mere $1.29.

Click Here To Buy My Book on Amazon