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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Almost Done!!

I am getting a little excited. I am almost finished developing the Closer Walk Fitness Challenge. This will be a 28 day kick start program for Faith and Fitness. Daily Bible readings, daily motivation, daily recipes, tracker, journal entries, & fitness plan for ALL levels. My goal is to help everyone develop healthy habits. By completing this program you can develop those habits. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts and ideas. Also, I ask for your prayers that this program could help just 1 person.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My New Favorite Post Workout Drink!!!

In my search to satisfy my post-workout needs. I have concocted what I has easily become my favorite drink. I call it Coconut Dream Protein Blast! Catchy right!?!? Let me tell you, it is light, refreshing, and loaded with great stuff. Best of all, it is super easy to make.

Here are some great points to know about this drink:
- Coconut Milk. Holy crap this is great stuff to substitute for milk. 1 cup of fat free skim milk = 86 calories. 1 cup of coconut milk = 45 calories. But wait, there’s more. Coconut milk is loaded with Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA’s.) This is a healthy fat that makes your thyroid produce a fat burning hormone. It boost you metabolism by 56% for up to 5 hours. Even cooler, it reduces blood sugar surges by 58%.
- Calories = 232
- Fat = 5g
- Protein = 26g
- Potassium = 640mg
- Calcium = 103% daily

Here is the recipe. I hope you enjoy as much as I do.

Coconut Dream Protein Blast
3/4 cup Unsweetened Coconut Drink (I use So-Delicious Brand)
1/4 cup Pineapple Juice (I use Libby's 100% Natural No Sugar Added)
1/2 Banana Frozen
1 serving Vanilla Protein Powder (I use Trader Joe's Soy Protein as it is a a lower carb option)
Optional: Ice to bring to desired consistency

Place all ingredients in blender, blend thoroughly, pour, ENJOY!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

FREE! Now and Forever.

After much thought, I have come to the conclusion that I should just give me book away for FREE all the time. So that is exactly what I am doing. I hope you enjoy as it is on update #2. You should be able to access with the gadget on the right hand side, or with the link below.

As an update, I am now down 55 lbs, and feel amazing.

Good Luck and Good Health.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

You Don't Have To Starve!

I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard this, "I couldn't do that, I would starve to death." I'm not sure why everyone associates eating right with eating less. Nothing could be further from the truth. Since I started my journey, I have lost 53 lbs. To date, I have NEVER gone hungry. As a matter of fact, my volume of food has gone up. 

But wait there's more! The food I am enjoying now is packed with much more flavor than the "bad" food I was eating before. My wife has done an amazing job preparing dinners that are absolutely delicious and fantastic for us. My choices for lunch have improved vastly, and I don't spend a fortune going out to eat every day. 

My point to all of this, is to let people know. Eating right, DOES NOT mean eating less. You can do this, and you will be full as you want to be.

Here are some simple rules you will need to follow:
1. Set a daily goal. - I use MyFitnessPal app.
2. Know what you are eating. - You have to read some labels. There is a wide difference between brands of food. 
3. Track what you eat. - Don't guess, you will be wrong.
4. Splurge on occasion. - No more than once a week, I eat a little something that may not be so good for me.
5. Remember it is all about making good choices, and there are plenty of good ones to choose from.

For more info, recipes, meal plans, and more Check Out My Book

If you have questions, just send me a message. I will be glad to help anyway I can. 

Good Luck and Good Health!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

FREE Gym Equipment!

It has been sometime since my last post (I am sure everyone has been anxiously waiting!) I have been working to put together a home gym that not only challenged me, but offered something a little different. I found everything I needed with tires! That's right, tires. Not only that, but thus far I have spent $0.00 making this a fantastic investment with immeasurable return on investment!

Yesterday was my first full workout with my "new" equipment, and it was a heart pounding, sweat inducing, muscle building, fantastic time. I thought I would share this workout and exactly what equipment I have utilized. I hope you enjoy, and get out there and workout.


Big Tire: 17.5-25 Firestone weighing in around 200 lbs
Mid Size Tire: 11R24.5 weighing in around 140 lbs
Small Tire: 235/75R15 weighing in around 35 lbs
Sledgehammer: 10 lbs (I already owned this)
3/4" MDF about 18 x 48 (just some scrap wood I had laying around)

The Workout:
In total I ran 3.5 miles (in 10 rounds of .35 miles each this happened to be the distance around my block). All exercises were performed to max reps (just keep going til you can't go no more.)

1. Run .35 miles
2. Big Tire Flips - use your legs, not your back.

3. Run .35 miles
4. Sledgehammer - right hand and left hand

5. Run .35 miles
6. Tire Jumps

7. Run .35 miles
8. Tire Cross Push Ups - start on one side move across tire

9. Run .35 miles
10. Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press - do a curl then press overhead

11. Run .35 miles
12. Tire Slams - lift overhead slam it on the ground

13. Run .35 miles
14. Tire Sit Ups

15. Run .35 miles
16. Tricep Extensions

17. Run .35 miles
18. Repeat Sledgehammer
19. Run .35 miles
20. Repeat Big Tire Flips

21. Enjoy your FREE Gym\

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Daily Motivation #3

Last night I struggled with my run. I am quite certain I tried to do too much, too quickly. It was a reminder to me that this isn't a sprint. It is a marathon. I have been blessed with great results thus far, but I am not there yet. I am going to push on, and I WILL reach my goal. I hope you will join me in changing our lives to be more healthy. Get out there and move.

Good Luck and Good Health!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Daily Motivation #2....and more!

Below is another installment for my daily motivation. This was a good one for me. I sometimes struggle with not being to the point I would like to be.... 6 pack abs, chiseled chest, 5 min mile.. However, today I am close to those goals than I was when I started. I constantly remind myself this is a marathon not a sprint. I am already in probably the best condition of my life, all 48 years of it. I feel amazing everyday! Most importantly, I do see progress. I refuse to go back to how I used to be. I hope this pic will motivate you to keep going. As long as you are moving forward, you are making progress.

Also, don't forget, I am humbly asking for donation to support Teen Challenge for the Walk With Hope 5K. If you can give, that's great. If you can't, I understand, and maybe you could say a prayer for their organization. To donate, just click on the link on the right side of my blog.